
Call today on 0845 450 0707 or email Nigel Power KC directly


Driving Offences


Nigel Power KC is a barrister with great skill and experience in road traffic law. From representing people charged with causing death by dangerous driving through to those who are at danger of losing their licenses from speeding offences, Nigel can provide his advice and expertise at every stage of the case.

Although most common driving offences have well-known consequences for your driving licence or liberty, getting Nigel’s expert opinion at the outset will clarify the evidence in your case and the likely outcome. The way your case is presented or argued can help, as can an in-depth knowledge of the technicalities of evidence.

Nigel successfully represented Mr Robinson, a firefighter who drove through a red light and killed someone on the way to an emergency. Mr Robinson was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and careless driving. His case was that the deceased (a middle-aged man of impeccable character) and his passenger, a prosecution witness, had both misread the junction and were to some extent at fault for the accident that resulted. The prosecution expert used advanced computer reconstruction programming in an attempt to show the excessive speed at which Mr Robison was driving, but Nigel was able to cross-examine the expert to show that he didn’t know how to use the software and had made significant mistakes. The Judge told the jury to ignore the expert evidence and Mr Robinson was cleared of all the charges that he faced. 

Nigel can provide you with a fixed-fee defence to most driving offences, and has experience in representing people in the following scenarios:

  • Causing death by dangerous/careless driving

  • Causing death whilst under the influence of drink or drugs

  • Driving without due care and attention (including whilst texting)

  • Speeding

  • Driving under the influence of drink or drugs

  • Failing to provide a specimen

  • The “totting-up” provisions

  • Keeping your licence through “special reasons”

  • Keeping your licence through “mitigating circumstances”

  • Driving whilst disqualified

  • Driving without a licence or insurance

To get Nigel’s advice and help with your motoring problem email directly or call 0845 450 0707.